
Qドロップの日本語訳をアップしていきます 翻訳者:okabaeri9111@EriQmapJapan https://gab.com/EriQmapJapan #QArmyJapanFlynn #WWG1WGA #オール善オール愛 Qは現在8kunという海外の掲示板でのみ 情報を出しています。その掲示板に投稿されたQの情報のみを転載し、翻訳して共有させて頂いております。Qは作戦内容のヒントを示唆しますが、ディスインフォも含まれています。情報を鵜呑みにせず、調べて考え 自分自身で真実を探すことを促しています。 ※現在日本語訳を復元中です。翻訳を未掲載のものはタイトルに 'e' と記載しています。

      翻訳者:okabaeri9111@EriQmapJapan https://gab.com/EriQmapJapan #QArmyJapanFlynn #WWG1WGA

      Qムーヴメントとは、世界人類を 戦争/飢餓/貧困/人権侵害などのあらゆる不幸から解放するために、1960年代から綿密に計画され、アメリカ・トランプ政権が2017年10月〜実行している、主に '情報戦' からなるNSA(アメリカ国家安全保障局)が中心の、全世界を舞台とした史上最大の軍事作戦のことです。これは、善/誠実/謙虚/聡明 vs 悪/嘘つき/傲慢/馬鹿 の間で繰り広げられている 主に情報を武器とした戦争です。人類がマスコミ & 教育の長年の嘘の洗脳から覚醒すれば善の完全勝利です。何より第一に "人間性をレベルアップさせ、いかに愛に目覚めるか" が大前提のムーヴメントです。愛だけで社会はまわるというのを知らしめているのがアノンです。
      信じなくて良いので、今までの常識や先入観を一旦全てリセットしてQを知ってみてください。悪いヤツらに騙されないよう思考癖を変え 愛を持った心の広い人間になり、人の嫌がることをしない人だけで社会をつくることを私たちは呼びかけています。思考を優しいものに変えていく運動です。"人の痛みがわからないヤツら" が人類の敵です。人類は、今まで特権階級に騙されてたくさんの不幸を一方的に押し付けられてきました。子どもたちに こんな世界を残したくない方はQについて調べて考え、沢山の情報を "保留" しながら集めてみてください。 何も信用せず、自分自身で真実を探すことが重要です。

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148022145  Nov 5 2017 00:10:37 (EST)Anonymous ID: QLWgJTG3 No.148021760  Nov 5 2017 00:06:20 (EST)https://www.amazon.in/Hillary-Clinton-Wonderland-Quotes-Campaign-ebook/dp/B01HOM8AV2>>148021760Finally. Correct reference. ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148027165  Nov 5 2017 00:06:58 (EST)Who funds MS13?Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border? What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148021501  Nov 5 2017 00:03:28 (EST)Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic. Organized and in order.Critical for understanding and review.Spider web.Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).This is stag ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148020278  Nov 4 2017 23:51:20 (EST)Simplified.Alice & Wonderland.Hillary & Saudi Arabia.References:Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.Q簡単に言うと不思議の国 と アリスヒラ ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148020085  Nov 4 2017 23:49:24 (EST)[Repost]Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148019905  Nov 4 2017 23:47:38 (EST)When big news drops please re-read entire graphic.This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148019575  Nov 4 2017 23:44:18 (EST)We need to get organized.Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.Saudi Arabia - the ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148016876  Nov 4 2017 23:16:50 (EST)1509840715226.pngGraphic is right.Add above points to graphic.Stay organized.Qグラフィックは 正しい上記のポイントを グラフィックに追加してちゃんと 整理していてQ ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148016670  Nov 4 2017 23:15:02 (EST)[Repost Lost]Martial law declared in SA.Why is this relevant?How much money was donated to CF by SA?How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA?How much money was donated to Pelos ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148016731  Nov 4 2017 23:15:27 (EST)[Repost Lost]Follow HUMA.Who connects HRC/CF to SA?Why is this relevant?Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?Who has ties to the MB?Who is Awan?What is the Awan Group?Where do they have offices?W ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148016769  Nov 4 2017 23:15:52 (EST)[Repost Lost]Disinformation is real.Distractions are necessary.SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)...Alice & Wonderland.Q[Repost Lost]What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?To who ...

      Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148016618  Nov 4 2017 23:14:37 (EST)AMER_PAT.jpgBy the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place.Godfather lllAlice & WonderlandAlice (Lewis Carroll) =The Bloody Wonderland =[Repost]Why did JK trav ...

      Anonymous ID: AZhJ37bn No.147987614  Nov 4 2017 19:28:58 (EST)Q = AliceYou'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland. Everything has meaning.God bless.QQ = アリス不思議の国 "と" アリスの背後にある意味は すぐにわかるよすべてに 意味 ...

      Anonymous ID: AZhJ37bn No.147986661  Nov 4 2017 19:22:08 (EST)What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?To who was it addressed?When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?Why is this relevant?What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?Who was it addressed to specific ...

      Anonymous ID: s4Iv8TW8 No.147981354  Nov 4 2017 18:44:06 (EST)Anonymous ID: GE433ksq No.147977181  Nov 4 2017 18:13:27 (EST)WAIT WAITWAITGO BACK TO THE POST ABOUT THE FAMILES THAT RUN EVERYTHING AND TRUMP TAKING ONE OUTWAS ONE OF THEM THIS SAUDI ...

      Anonymous ID: s4Iv8TW8 No.147979863  Nov 4 2017 18:33:30 (EST)Follow HUMA.Who connects HRC/CF to SA?Why is this relevant?Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB?Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group?Where do they have offices?Why is this ...

      Anonymous ID: s4Iv8TW8 No.147975558  Nov 4 2017 18:02:02 (EST)[Repost]Why did JK travel to SA recently?What is SA known for?Where do the biggest donations originate from?Why is this relevant?What else is relevant w/ SA?Safe harbor?Port of transfer?Wh ...

      Anonymous ID: GVUvg1M7 No.147819733  Nov 3 2017 16:56:13 (EST)God speed to those who will be put in harms way. You are the bravest men and women on earth. We will never forget.All share one title in common and that is the title of "Hero.""The LORD is ...

      Anonymous ID: GVUvg1M7 No.147817468  Nov 3 2017 16:38:03 (EST)What data just dropped?Why is this relevant?HUMA.HUMA.HUMA.Where is HUMA?Who is HUMA connected to?What organization?What is HUMA's family history?How did HUMA meet HRC?What did HRC say abo ...

      Anonymous ID: GVUvg1M7 No.147816901  Nov 3 2017 16:33:30 (EST)Where is John Podesta?Where is Tony Podesta?Did one or both escape the country and was let out?WHERE IS BO?WHERE WAS BO YESTERDAY?What is the difference between commercial and private re: ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147689362  Nov 2 2017 19:19:28 (EST)Anonymous ID: VXi4Bx/o No.147688276  Nov 2 2017 19:11:43 (EST)>>147687684Let's be clear - you're telling us POTUS is currently under attack by our own intelligence agencies?>>147688276 ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147687684  Nov 2 2017 19:07:18 (EST):::::Flash Traffic:::::Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.We anticipated this (see po ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156  Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)Fellow Patriots,I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets.POTUS' Twitter take down was ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147681912  Nov 2 2017 18:21:32 (EST)To those watching (you know who you are):You have a choice to make. You can stand up and do what you know to be right.Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.Make no mi ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147680749  Nov 2 2017 18:12:48 (EST)Highly recommend someone take all my crumbs and put into a massive dump (a single shot). This will be considered the biggest 'inside' 'approved' dump in American history. They are beginnin ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147680054  Nov 2 2017 18:07:54 (EST)Please refer back and collect my crumbs. As discussed, we've anticipated the Twitter and other social media blackouts.Rogue agents/programmers.Per sealed Federal orders, we quickly tracked ...

      Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147679416  Nov 2 2017 18:03:36 (EST)You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military. Why is this relevant?Game theory.Outside of a potential operato ...

      Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147664082  Nov 2 2017 16:04:05 (EST)How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?How did SA welcome BO during his trip?How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?Why is this relevant? Not ...

      Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661332  Nov 2 2017 15:40:27 (EST)Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661217  Nov 2 2017 15:39:22 (EST)http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhoodThe Clinton ...

      Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661243  Nov 2 2017 15:39:38 (EST)Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee ...

      Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661217  Nov 2 2017 15:39:22 (EST)http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhoodThe Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions und ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147647154  Nov 2 2017 13:44:21 (EST)Look to Twitter:Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."God bless.ツイッターを 見てまさにこれだ: "アメリカの友人の皆さん 嵐が来た......." 神の ご加護を ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147646606  Nov 2 2017 13:39:41 (EST)"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."私は あなたがたのために 立てている計画を よく ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147646189  Nov 2 2017 13:36:25 (EST)List out all who have foundations.Why is this relevant?How can donations be used personally?Analyze the filings. Who is charged w/ overseeing this?IRS?Corrupt?Politically motivated? The le ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147645024  Nov 2 2017 13:27:23 (EST)Review BO's financial disclosure when he submitted pre-D election campaign. What is the annual salary of a sitting US President?What home(s) were just purchased by BO? How much did it cost ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147643257  Nov 2 2017 13:12:06 (EST)Anonymous ID: taaOHN6t No.147642589  Nov 2 2017 13:06:03 (EST)one-nation-under-god-t-shirt_design.pngive watched as society has been effectively addicted to msm, apps, social media, ga ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147642680  Nov 2 2017 13:06:58 (EST)BIG DROP:How did NK obtain Uranium? How did Iran obtain Uranium? Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran? Why the cash component? Was the hostage component a cover?For what? Co ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147641320  Nov 2 2017 12:54:59 (EST)Follow Sen Grassley.What is different effective this week?What do you notice?Why does Sen Grassley (one example) have a higher than normal amount of security detail? Why is Grassley and ot ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147640127  Nov 2 2017 12:44:30 (EST)What is Q Clearance? What hint does that explicitly refer to?DOE? Who would have the goods on U1?Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?No.Does it refer that someone dropping such ...

      Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147636035  Nov 2 2017 12:08:46 (EST)You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked. Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack wh ...
