Husband in jail.
HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?
Where is Huma today?
Was she with HRC on her book tour?
RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets
POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).
Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?
What is most valuable?
AG Sessions on leakers.
Fire or prosecute?
Reorg is underway and happening.
Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?
Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).
Husband in jail.
HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?
Where is Huma today?
Was she with HRC on her book tour?
RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets
POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).
Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?
What is most valuable?
AG Sessions on leakers.
Fire or prosecute?
Reorg is underway and happening.
Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?
Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).
夫は 刑務所にいる
ヒラリー・クリントン ムスリム同胞団 それとも子ども?
クリントンのために我が子にキスして さよなら
ママともパパとも お別れだなんて?
クリントンのために我が子にキスして さよなら
ママともパパとも お別れだなんて?
今 フーマはどこに?
ヒラリー・クリントンのブックツアーには 同行していた?
大統領は 1機関を除く 各3文字機関のトップに 自分の部下を就任させた(これには マイケル・ロジャーズ提督がこれを スタートさせ宣誓を確認するため すべての大統領指名を消してしまったという理由がある)
彼らが それらの機関にコントロールされてないと思う?
いちばん貴重なものは 何?
情報漏洩者に対処する 司法長官セッションズ
解雇? 起訴?
再編成が現在 進行中
先週 上院共和党が連邦判事承認を要求したのは 偶然?
なぜ上院共和党は 脱落した?
自分たちでそう望んだのではなく 選択肢を提示された
自分たちでそう望んだのではなく 選択肢を提示された
(みんなトランプに賛成票を投じるから 心配しないで)